
How We Deliver Our Services

  1. The Well-Kept Secret:
    We Don’t Need to Do More,
    We Need to Do Less Better!
  2. Teach the process
    …Unravel the mystery
  3. Discover the gem inside every child

Everything we present in our professional development and materials has been specifically created to help educators implement and integrate Common Core Writing, Reading, Language, and Speaking and Listening Standards into everyday practice.

Half-Day and Full-Day Sessions

Our sessions can be scheduled to accommodate your needs. All our workshops are available in both half-day and full-day formats. We also are willing to do after school workshops and to deliver sessions on the weekends if needed.

Ongoing Professional Development Packages/Classroom Modeling

No longer are tests made up of solely multiple choice questions. Written responses are now required in science, social studies, and math. It is impossible for Language Arts/English teachers to bear the burden of teaching students how to read and write. Reading, writing, speaking, and listening must be developed in every subject area.

Our ongoing training puts reading and writing theory into practice in all subject areas. By working directly in the classroom with students, teachers are given the opportunity to view, experience, and participate in techniques designed to make the reading, writing, and listening connection easier for everyone.

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