  • 2010-2011 ACT
  • 2011-2012 ACT

Standish Sterling

Elementary School

  • 76% of Third Graders were proficient in Writing in 2005
  • 86% of Third Graders at Sterling Elementary met or exceeded state standards in 2008
  • 61.5% of Fourth Graders were proficient at Sterling Elementary in 2010
    • Advanced – 13.5%
    • Proficient – 48.1%
  • 66.7% of Fourth Graders were proficient at Sterling Elementary in 2011
    • Advanced – 21.6%
    • Proficient – 45.1%
      (equal to or better than some of Michigan’s wealthiest districts)

Middle School

  • 77.4% of Seventh Graders were proficient in 2007
  • 75% of Sixth Graders were proficient in 2008

High School ACT Writing Scores

  • In 2007, 40 students met or exceeded state standards
  • In 2008, 65 students met or exceeded state standards

Standish Sterling High School ELA Scores (Writing and English)

  • In 2007, 57 students met or exceeded state standards
  • In 2008, 87 students met or exceeded state standards

Highland Park Schools

Cortland Elementary

  • In 2006, 34.3% of students met or exceeded state standards
  • In 2007, 51.7% of students met or exceeded state standards

Lincoln Park Public Schools

Lafayette Elementary

  • In 2006, 25.7% of Third Grade students met or exceeded state standards
  • In 2007, 63.8% of Third Grade students met or exceeded state standards

Pontiac Academy of Excellence 2008-2009 - ACT Writing

  • In 2008, 6 out of 44 students received a score of 8 on ACT Writing
  • In 2009, 13 out of 57 students received a score of 8 on ACT Writing
  • In 2009, 2 out of 57 students received a score of 9 on ACT Writing
  • In 2010, there was a 14% increase on ACT Writing Scores

MEAP Science Results

Shumate Middle School (Gibraltar School District)

  • In 2001, 23% of students met or exceeded state standards in science
  • In 2002, 80.3% met or exceeded state standards in science
  • In 2003, 81.4% met or exceeded state standards in science

Writing Results

Southwestern High School – Detroit, Michigan

  • 2010-2011
    There was a 10.6% increase in students scoring between 6 and 9 from 2010 to 2011. Fewer students received lower scores in 2011. For example, in 2010 10.6% of students received a 2; in 2011 only 2% received a 2. Likewise, in 2010 7.3% of students earned a 3; only 2% received a score of 3 in 2011.
  • 2011-2013
    There was a dramatic increase in Writing. The average Writing Score in 2011 was almost 4. In 2013 this overall average climbed to almost 14. This represents a 70% increase in scores. Gains were made in all ACT Scores.

Grand Rapids Public Schools - Burton Middle School
Data from district writing prompts
Total Results All Grade Levels for 2008-2009

  • Second Writing Prompt 35% of students were proficient
  • Third Writing Prompt 37% of students were proficient
  • Fourth Writing Prompt 54% of students were proficient
  • 2010: First 8th Grade Writing Prompt 58% of students were proficient
  • 2010: Fourth 8th Grade Writing Prompt 73% of students were proficient

Grand Rapids Alternative High Schools
2008-2009 GRPS Persuasive Writing Prompts

  • Northwest Career Pathways increased from 22% to 75%
  • Southeast Alternative High School increased from 26% to 63%

Hale Schools

In 2007 this district had one of the highest sixth grade scores in the state

Sixth Grade Writing

  • In 2006, 61.2% of students met or exceeded state standards
  • In 2007, 88% of students met or exceeded state standards
  • In 2008, 81.3% of students met or exceeded state standards

Seventh Grade Writing

  • In 2006, 55.8% of students met or exceeded state standards
  • In 2007, 80.4% of students met or exceeded state standards
  • In 2008, 83% of students met or exceeded state standards
  • In 2010, 47.9% of 7th graders met or exceeded state standards (better than state average on a new list)
  • In 2011, 51.2% of 7th graders met or exceeded state standards

Eighth Grade Writing

  • In 2006, 63% of students met or exceeded state standards
  • In 2007, 75.5% of students met or exceeded state standards

Hale Elementary (growth over time)

  • In 2006, 20.6% of 4th graders met or exceeded state standards (before or our work began)
  • In 2008, 41.7% of 4th graders met or exceeded state standards
  • In 2011, 51.2% of 4th graders met or exceeded state standards

Wainwright School, Third Grade (part of Lansing Public Schools)

  • In 2007, 19% of students met or exceeded state standards
  • In 2008, 57.5% of students met or exceeded state standards

Summit Middle School (part of Beecher Schools in Flint, MI)

  • In 2002, 81% of students were in the lowest category (not yet proficient)
  • In 2003, only 9.2% were in the lowest category
  • In 2003, 44.7% of these 7th graders met of exceeded state standards in writing.

Whittemore-Prescott Schools

Elementary(growth over time)

  • In 2007, 30% of 4th graders met or exceeded state standards
  • In 2008, 43.1% of 4th graders met or exceeded state standards

Middle School

  • In 2010, 49.3% of 7th graders met or exceeded state standards (better than state average on a new list)

High School ACT Writing and English Scores

  • In 2009, 14 students were proficient in writing and 20 were proficient in ELA (English + Writing)
  • In 2010, 26 students were proficient in writing (English + Writing)
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