To be prepared for workforce skills, college readiness, and life students must possess a wide range of abilities. Students must gather, comprehend, evaluate, synthesize, report on information, solve problems, and analyze and create a high volume of print and nonprint information. There is a strong need for students to comprehend complex informational texts and to use this information in a wide variety of settings. This requires that reading, writing, speaking, listening, and mathematics skills are a shared responsibility in all content areas. This interdisciplinary approach is expressed in both the of Common Core Standards and in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The NAEP Framework calls for an increasing proportion of time spent on informational texts. This much stronger emphasis on reading informational texts creates a need for developing Informative/explanatory and argumentative writing.
According to NAEP and the Common Core
- Much stronger emphasis on informational text including history/social studies, science, and technical subjects.
- Much of this work must be done outside the ELA classroom.
- There needs to be a stronger emphasis on literary nonfiction.